

Serve​ ​

Welcome to 2025!

We have officially stepped over into a new year! A year to experience being Divine Expansion! As your Pastor, I understand we have all come up against many expected and unexpected challenges. The thing I am most grateful for is that God has preserved us through it all. Better yet, while many local congregations have declined, God has steadily added to the Bible Way family. I’m looking forward to seeing God do some amazing things in 2025!

I believe God will use these 21 days to prepare us for the future ahead. We will begin the year with a Corporate Fast. This will be a time of bible reading, prayer, fasting, and personal devotion. These devotionals have been prepared to serve as a companion for you during these 21 days. Whether you have completed a season of prayer and fasting before or this is your first time, these devotionals have been designed with you in mind. You can start right where you are and authentically experience the presence of God.

Be sure to set aside time to plan and schedule your prayer and devotional time according to what fits your daily schedule. We want you to be intentional with inviting the work of the Holy Spirit and truly experience the blessing of fasting.


Smiley face

Welcome to 2025!

We have officially stepped over into a new year! A year to experience being Divine Expansion! As your Pastor, I understand we have all come up against many expected and unexpected challenges. The thing I am most grateful for is that God has preserved us through it all. Better yet, while many local congregations have declined, God has steadily added to the Bible Way family. I’m looking forward to seeing God do some amazing things in 2025!

I believe God will use these 21 days to prepare us for the future ahead. We will begin the year with a Corporate Fast. This will be a time of bible reading, prayer, fasting, and personal devotion. These devotionals have been prepared to serve as a companion for you during these 21 days. Whether you have completed a season of prayer and fasting before or this is your first time, these devotionals have been designed with you in mind. You can start right where you are and authentically experience the presence of God.

Be sure to set aside time to plan and schedule your prayer and devotional time according to what fits your daily schedule. We want you to be intentional with inviting the work of the Holy Spirit and truly experience the blessing of fasting.

© 2021 All Rights Reserved by Bible Way Church of Sumter